M3Server Technical Blog FAQ How to configure the M3 CDN with WordPress and W3 Total Cache

How to configure the M3 CDN with WordPress and W3 Total Cache

This article will show you how to configure your M3 content delivery network plan with WordPress installed via the W3 Total Cache plug-in.


  • Make sure you have an active M3 content delivery network services. If you do not have a CDN services you can view our plans at M3Server.com
  • Login to your M3 client area click on services > my services.
  • Latest version of WordPress, installed with the W3 Total Cache plug-in.

Configuration Steps

  1. Validate CDN subdomain is working. Put cdn.yourdomain.com into browser.
    • Works: Proceed to Step 2.
    • Doesn’t Work: Ask a M3 tech to review your DNS record.
  2. Configure W3TC plugin in WordPress
    • Click General Settings
    • Scroll down to CDN Section
    • Check the Enable: Theme files, media library attachments, CSS, JS files etc will appear to load instantly for site visitors.
    • For the CDN Type select (Origin Pull) Generic Mirror
    • Click Save All Settings
  3. Configure W3TC CDN Setting
    • Select Performance > CDN
    • Scroll down to the Configuration
    • Under SSL support, select Disabled (always use HTTP)
    • In the Replace site’s hostname with: cdn.yourdomain.com
    • Click Save all settings to deploy your W3 Total Cache configuration.
    • Click Purge All Cache
    • Load your domain in browser to make sure everything it working properly.
    • Browser validation: view source on your website page looking for the CDN subdomain in your source code.