M3Server Technical Blog FAQ Nats – ChartDirector

Nats – ChartDirector

ChartDirector/lib/phpchartdir530.dll: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32 in Unknown on line 0

Fix Action:
Make sure you use php linux 64bit ChartDirector files.


Use the correct version for the php system. If php 5.3, then you must use phpchartdir530.dll

php 5.3 = phpchartdir530.dl
php 5.4 = phpchartdir540.dl

If these were uploaded as the wrong type, it is noteworthy to mention that you have to delete the entire directory and upload the correct files, not just the phpchartdir530.dll file. This file uses other files inside this ChartDirector directory.

cd /home/user/nats/includes
ls -la
(confirm ChartDirector exists)
rm ChartDirector -rf

Visit URL for proper link:
click version 5.1
note: ChartDirector for PHP version v51 is the last version compatible with NATS. Make sure you grab the 64 bit linux version for php.

on server:
mkdir /home/user/nats/includes/tmp
cd /home/user/nats/includes/tmp
wget https://download2.advsofteng.com/v51/chartdir_php_linux_64_v51.tar.gz
tar zxvf chartdir_php_linux_64_v5.tar.gz
rsync -a /home/user/nats/includes/tmp/ChartDirector/ /home/user/nats/includes/ChartDirector/
chown -R user.user /home/user/nats/includes/ChartDirector/


php -v should not give any errors such as:
ChartDirector/lib/phpchartdir530.dll: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32 in Unknown on line 0

restart apache on any updates to the chart files or php.ini for changes to take effect

Note: No need to copy files to php modules directory