M3Server Technical Blog FAQ GeoIP block country

GeoIP block country

The free edition of the GeoIP database is not as accurate as the subscription based database.

Test this by working inside a non important testing directory with a simple testing file such as:


Create a new .htaccess file with the following contents:

Deny from env=BlockCountry

This will block GB from your testing directory. Note, this document is only intended to illustrate the possibilities of the use of GeoIP for a basic how to.

Or If you want to redirect based on the country using mod_rewrite in combination with mod_geoip, your .htaccess file could look like this:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://www.mydomain.com/nl/$1 [L]

You do not need to enter the path in your .thaccess file:
GeoIPDBFile /path/etc/
Doing so will result in a 500 server error!

Please see the following 3rd party site, the makers of GeoIP for further details:

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